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Downloading and installing VirtualPlume

Description: This tutorial guides you through the process of downloading and installing VirtualPlume.

Keywords: VirtualPlume, Download, Install

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Next Tutorial: Using VirtualPlume with virtual_nose

Download VirtualPlume

1. Open a terminal window and cd into a directory that is on your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. 2. Now you'll checkout VirtualPlume using svn. In your terminal window run the following:

svn co

3. Next you'll download the missing dependencies for VirtualPlume, lse_messages.

svn co

Install VirtualPlume

Now all you need to do is compile VirtualPlume using rosmake:

rosmake virtualplume

Testing VirtualPlume

To make sure everything is working properly let's try VirtualPlume out!

1. Launch a roscore on a terminal window and open a new terminal window to go to the virtualplume directory.

roscd virtualplume

2. Next load a test params file and start virtualplume. You can have a look at the full params listing on the virtualplume page.

rosparam load settings/gaussian_settings.yaml
rosrun virtualplume virtualplume

3. Now open rviz to see the plume. Add a new Markers display. The plume should be on a topic called /virtualplume/virtualplume_markers. You should be able to see something like this:


Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded and installed VirtualPlume for ROS!

Now you can continue to Using VirtualPlume with virtual_nose to learn how to use VirtualPlume with a robot.

Wiki: virtualplume/Tutorials/Download and install VirtualPlume (last edited 2013-04-16 14:04:04 by Gonçalo Cabrita)